November 2005 Archives

  1. setting the remote down
  2. last rites
  3. a thousand pardons
  4. oh, canada
  5. timpano revisited
  6. bride and prejudice
  7. what i'm stankful for
  8. taking a holiday
  9. guest columnist:
    my ex-point guard
  10. football weekend x:
    hail to the victors, indeed
  11. i'm still working on the ballad of troy smith
  12. guest host
  13. say yes to michigan
  14. percy's driveway: believe the hype
  15. ann arbor is a whore
  16. boobilogue
  17. implant pride
  18. okay, so i'm puerile
  19. the ditzy left
  20. i suppose i have this coming
  21. proof, as if further proof were needed, that the ditzy left is bankrupt of ideas
  22. michigan week
  23. arrested
  24. overplaying a hand
  25. camera three, go to the carsick girl! this is pure gold!
  26. reader male
  27. schmartnership
  28. why the packers are 1-7
  29. irony
  30. meaningless sex
  31. hail! hail! to mich-i-gan! the ucla of the midwest!
  32. spiritual shell game
  33. david letterman
    saved my dog's life
  34. L57 and me
  35. resistible link of the day
  36. the unbearable light-headedness of dayquil