I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that'll I'll never look for work during the 100-day break before my new gig.
"You're only now realizing that?" Katrina says. "I've been telling people you're not working until January for a month, now."
In theory, this was to be writing time. In practice, I've cooked a lot. I've slept. I've ordered HBO. I've caught Ed drinking out of the toilet and held her face in there while she got, at age 11, the first swirly of her life. I've pretty much done everything but look for work or write. I've decided that my self-respect dictates that I must do one or the other. And there's no way in hell I'm working.
In six years of posts here I certainly have enough story ideas. I've decided to poll the body of esteemed Stank trolls and see which posts y'all think might be worth expanding upon.