I have been single for a very long time. This is entirely by choice. Specifically, it's by their choice.
I'm a good boyfriend. I dote. I remember important dates. I at least attempt to feign shared interests. My brain is crammed with minutia about my girlfriend's tastes, peeves, stories, interests and favorite brands.
And then time marches on, and the woman marches off, and her tastes, peeves, stories, interests, and brands compost in my brain. The pile of relationship debris in my head is staggering and confusing.
"Were you the one who had a friend who made up a whole religion around you being a deity?" I asked Allie some 20 years after we dated.
"The fuck are you talking about?" she said, recoiling in disgust that I began yet another sentence with "Were you the one?"
Geri-bachelorhood: avoid it if you can.