On the surface, it was a great night in bachelorhood.
Girl 1, a bartender, gave me her phone number. On my way to pick her up some dinner, I stopped at another establishment for a drink. There I got reacquainted with Girl 2, a bartender, who suggested that we check out some new Italian restaurant sometime. Enter Girl 3, a barfly with whom I clicked. We made plans to have dinner that night, after I finished getting Girl 1's steak. I dashed out the door to the restaurant, where, yes, I sat at the bar and waited for the steak. I made little progress with Dude 1, a bartender.
I dumped off the steak with a grateful Girl 1 and headed back to Girl 3. At this point, she was chatting with a much better looking guy and conspicuously ignoring me for the 20 minutes I sat on her other side.
The shallowness of some people. I swear.