great moments in guyness*

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*Celebrated here because frankly, there ain't many

Allie is borrowing her mom's RV this weekend. Hearing rustling inside the engine, she declared that she was going nowhere whatsoever with mice in the RV. Further, she banned all reasonable solutions, like roasting them alive or shoving poison down the air vents and letting the corpses decompose down there. No, Allie's more inclined to sprinkle mint juice, maybe a little echinacea on the nest. It's a miracle cure certified by Internetards.

So what's an enterprising baby daddy to do? Barry removed the dashboard and revealed, deep in the bowls of the vents, not mice but rats. He thought about it. He thought and he thought. And do you know, that old Barry was so dumb and so slick, that he thought like a guy and he thought like that quick. He got an idea. An awful idea. The guy got a wonderful, awful idea.

"I know!"

And thus did he end up with a Shop-Vac full of rats.