i'll be chewing my own leg off at 11am

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My profession attracts more than its fair share of frauds. Failed lawyers and failed burglars and dropouts wake up one day and decide that they're writers. Clueless bureaucracies, who for some reason think there are no qualifications for writing jobs, hire them. This is why you hate user manuals. They were written by failed mall cops.

Lest they be proven frauds, these people cannot get into management fast enough. Thus is my line of work stuffed with managers of managers of documentation managers. I'm not kidding. This is a career goal for these people. They want to manage documentation managers. I've heard exactly this goal declared countless times at Microsoft. I don't know what the exact opposite of "curing cancer" is, but this is an excellent starting point in the search.

I've managed to avoid these people for the last four years, but they're seeping back into my life. Bereft of capacity for original thought, they think and speak in bumper stickers. Our languages are mutually unintelligible. When they lapse into buzzwords that they heard in some meeting somewhere, I have to ask what they mean. When I speak of common industry practices, they have to ask what I mean.

I am not cut out for this. I need to hire someone just to suffer fools. Someone deaf.