I imagine most of us know that guy. "I hate sports," he makes a point of telling you. "Except for soccer." Always except for soccer. It's never except for hockey/baseball/curling/skeet-shooting. It's always soccer, and more significantly, you never asked.
He also rails about whatever stadium is being built. That his taxes do not go toward its construction is far beyond his point. He finds its very existence to be invalidating and reprehensible, a monument to all that is wrong with people who are not him. He will not shut the fuck up. Not at gunpoint. I've tried.
Okay, now you're picturing your own version of I-hate-sports-except-for-soccer guy. Is he a little...energized by the Penn State developments?
We're all outraged about the crimes—me, I haven't been saddened like this by something that didn't directly affect me since 9/11. But this guy wants you to know he's more outraged. The Penn State scandal is an affirmation of...something...about which he's particularly indignant. To Twitter! To Facebook! People already in agreement must be educated as to just how awful awful is. And thus does he cluck at straw men and refute arguments no one actually made.
Watch for it. If you know this guy, he's doing it too.