good whiner, bad whiner

I was listening to Rob, the Forlorn Windshield Smasher, whine about his lot in life when it hit me. Some whiners are decidedly better than others.

Good whiners have flair. The good whiner, legless, climbs to the crow's nest of a shrimp boat during a hurricane, shakes his fist at God, and declares that He doesn't have the guts to kill him. Out of spite, God lets him live, and the good whiner whines incredulously, "What do I gotta do?" I like this guy.

Note that I had to use a fictional character for my example.

The bad whiner lives off his inheritance into his 40s. He's never had a job, yet he lives in a 5000 square foot waterfront house and is still "in a band." When his wife comes into her own inheritance and rejects him, he smashes his wife's windshield, steals her mail, hides from her attorney, and questions how she could ever want to divorce a guy like him.

Shouldn't whining be about what isn't under your control?