Late Friday night, 3000 miles apart, three generations were working: my mentor, me, and my protege. I know this because I was arguing with both of them simultaneously.
I was lambasting my mentor for writing a grammar handbook that allows for using apostrophes to make a plural. His example of proper use: there are two Karen's in the room. I was unimpressed. "So if I'm describing the number of times I used the word it in a sentence, do I say there are two it's in the sentence?"
I was enjoying myself. This took me back to grad school, where I thought about stupid stuff like this instead of reading the assignments.
"Asshole," my former prof said, also taking me back to grad school for a moment.
Not 10 minutes later, in a separate argument far too complex to be described here, Darcy cast her vote. "Asshole," she said.
Mmmmmm. Warm fuzzies.