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April 12, 2011

made in heaven

Former boss Flo is newly engaged. In the manner of women half her age who haven't been twice divorced, she now talks about little else and uses "my fiance" as a pronoun. "I was talking with my fiance this morning, and I told my fiance to stop bogarting the Valtrax and to get me some when my fiance gets my fiance's self some."

In the manner of me, I roll my eyes and tolerate it.

"Do you want to be my made of honor?!" she chatted me.

An eternity went by without my responding, so she chatted again: "Wow! I actually made John speechless! That's a first."

Then I told her what I'm telling you: I spent that minute staring at the word "made" and thinking about funny pseudo-Latin scientific names.

posted by john at 7:08 AM  â€¢  permalink