Stank, April 2010
I'll watch the Steelers' first four games, during his suspension. Then I'll watch Ben find Jesus, followed by his quick engagement to a local Christian girl. After that, I'm going to wander the football landscape. I won't root for another pro team, but I think I'll pick one to follow. Maybe I'll watch the Browns reboot. They're in the division, at least.
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, January 2011
Roethlisberger vowed to change, and at the end of August, he told the Tribune-Review that he had re-connected with religion.
Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger did nothing Tuesday to discourage Internet rumors that he became engaged to a Pittsburgh-area woman.
Anyone who writes me that I'm being cynical, that Ben clearly doesn't want this in the public eye, will be publicly vivisected.