Yesterday I chatted with Exhibit A in this recent post. I tend to avoid her. She's a sweetheart, but my stress level when she speaks is roughly equivalent to when a toddler wobbles around the edge of my 90' cliff. And for similar reasons.
But to give her the credit she's due, she divorced (I think) the husband and broke up with the most wonderful man in the world. So there's your update, in the interests of fairness.
I implored her to avoid men altogether and work on the attainable stuff (kids, house, job); gave her a huge tip to put toward, I hope, her transmission repair and not, I fear, thetan-testing; and shot out of there like I was fired out of a cannon. I fully expect that the next time I see her, she'll trumpet the "glorious news!" that she's pregnant by, oh, let's say an ex-con.
"Credit" goes to Dorkass for forecasting the pregnancy development.