An IM exchange with my boss, Flo.
(3:24 PM) Useless fucking tool:
who is more boring, D or M?(3:25 PM) john:
D. She is one of those people who really has no conception how uninteresting she is. she thinks she's the most fascinating person on the planet. even M, deep down, suspects she's boring people.(3:28 PM) john:
M has bored me senseless, but she's also amused me. D is conversational death every single time.(3:29 PM) Useless fucking tool:
I can see that(3:29 PM) Useless fucking tool:
a freakshow is way more entertaining than a train wreck(3:30 PM) john:
i think "train wreck" is too interesting. talking with D is more like staring at the back of a bus during gridlock, choking on fumes(3:31 PM) Useless fucking tool:
yeh(3:31 PM) Useless fucking tool:
at least she has potentially nice hair(3:31 PM) john:
wow, is that a reach(3:31 PM) john:
and I have potentially pleasant breath(3:33 PM) Useless fucking tool:
and I am potentially not a shrewish ubermegabitch