
"You need to chill out, John. Seriously. Seattle drivers used to drive me nuts, too, but then I learned to just accept it and now I'm much happier here. I'm the very model of contentedness. I'm never leaving. Blah blah blah. The key to happiness is for you to be exactly like me. Blah blah blah."

— Amy (no, the other one), as I remember the conversation, about two years before she ran screaming from Seattle forever.

• • •

Last night I played Euchre with Amy and her husband, Rob, with whom I was unfavorably compared on that blah blah day. Last night, Amy and I were on a winning streak when Rob asked me about Seattle drivers. One embolism, ten minutes, and several of my mistakes later, Rob's team had won five straight hands.

Nope. Still haven't accepted it. Can't. Won't.