reboot this

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One of the unique pains of being technically savvy is that occasion when I do, in fact, need technical help.

 "IT Helpdesk. How may I help you?"

 "Do you guys push down a policy that disables Word macros?"

 "Did you try rebooting?"

 "Why would I do that?"

 "You should always do that. Can you reboot for me?"

 I sigh heavily and reboot. Five minutes later...

 "Word macros are still disabled."

 "Did you try reinstalling Word?"

 And so it goes, until half a day later.

 "I've got good news. We push down a policy that disables Word macros."

I have long thought that to save on money, time, and murder, people all need Technical Aptitude Ratings.

 "Do you guys push down a policy that disables Word macros?"

 "Did you try rebooting?"

 "I'm a Level 7."

 "Here's the registry setting."
