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"Are you excited to be in Pittsburgh?" asks one well-meaning person after another.

I usually just say yes, but the answer is really "I never leave my house." It's been a nonstop procession of appointments with contractors and repair dudes, some of whom even deign to show up as promised.

Why so many, you ask? Because this house is a mess. Each time I reach for a light switch or spigot or closet door for the first time, I cringe like a beaten dog. As often as not, something horrible results. I knew I'd bought a fixer-upper, but I'd underestimated the comprehensiveness of my new hobby.

Example: The previous owner took her washer and dryer with her. Okay, fine. I bought new ones. Home Depot could not connect either, due to a combination of electrical problems, plumbing problems, and gas line problems. Oh, is that all? Now imagine that of the three repair guys, only one showed. Now imagine that the new washing machine, once connected, needed to be replaced. Now imagine that it took two weeks for delivery each time. Now imagine that literally every facet of my life is a similarly cascading series of fuckups not of my own making.

Now imagine if I'm excited.