more than just a pretty face

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My boss of five years recently hired Trixie. She's 24, smoking hot, and tragicly unqualified for the job she holds. Armed with her degree in media communications and a six month internship as a local TV reporter, she was appointed a program manager at a Fortune 500 tech company.

I began to berate my boss, as I am wont to do under these circumstances, but he stayed his vivisection. "Oy. Trixie. Yeah. Before you say anything, did you know she's the daughter of the administrative assistant of the CEO?"

And just like that, my stabbiness shifted targets. I'm nothing if not reasonable.

And thus has my job come to include a task that both amuses and appalls me. I stealthily redo Trixie's work. The sequence goes like this:

  1. Trixie produces something incompetent.
  2. Boss, seeing that it's incompetent, tells her "Great work, daughter of the CEO's admin!"
  3. Boss then asks me to redo her work but to keep my involvement a secret.
  4. Boss uses my work instead of Trixie's.
  5. Trixie never notices (see incompetent, above).
  6. Repeat.
My work + her face = a potent combination. There is little doubt in my mind that in five years, I'll be working for Trixie in addition to working as her.