i have no idea how this company turns a profit

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One of my work duties these days is to maintain a corporate website. From my perspective, it's a brainless, pedestrian task. I literally put p tags around misspelled paragraphs that I copy from executives' emails.

But the key words there are "corporate" and "executives." They are remorseless visibility whores, and I'm the guy who puts batteries in the spotlight.

Thus do I find myself on ridiculously broad threads with five levels of management competing to congratulate one another on my adding a link. They are a marvel. I'll get the request, spent 10 seconds creating the link, tell them it's done, and then watch the full day of frenzied back-slapping and spunk-guzzling unfold.

My boss thinks this task is a waste of me. In so far as the task goes, I agree. "You ever thnk about getting back into mangement?" [sic] he'll ask.

"I'm good, thanks."