dear beaten down guy at Apple

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I know you exist. You always do.

When they were planning on foisting iOS7 upon the world, you were the guy in the room who said "Uh. It doesn't really make sense to dim the screen when they open the control that sets screen brightness. It's a pretty effect and all, but they'd have to close the control just to see what they'd set!"

I know you said this. Of course you did. It is a self-evident truth. And I know you were shouted down by a stampede of sneering child-designers who know better than the preceding generations of sneering child-designers. They know they know better because they took a vote amongst themselves. The only thing they are more in agreement about is that you just don't get it.

I just wanted to say I'm sorry, brother. I've been that guy. It's tough to be dismissed by those flaunting the seemingly opposing tendencies of smugness and vomitous incompetence. Congratulations on your self-control. Now bend them over your knee and beat them with a switch.
