dick sherman

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Readers are asking me what I think of Richard Sherman. I think of him today what I thought of him a year ago: he's a dick. He's always been a dick, and he'll always be a dick. The only thing new about Sunday night's interview was the number of people who saw that he's a dick.

People rushing to call him a "thug" are, well, idiots. He's an unlikable, self-aggrandizing, selfish dick. That's pretty much the most that can be said about him. Why do we have to used a charged term instead of the indisputably accurate one? Let's reserve "thug" for people who really deserve it, like Obama and Oprah.

Then there's the hordes of white people rushing to defend him and thus demonstrate how racist they aren't. You know them. They say "Stanford" as as many times as possible on your Facebook wall.

There are no good guys in this story.