One of my great fears when I started employing Darcy was that my former star student would become addicted to the money, throw away all her promise, and morph into yet another soulless, joyless fuck who works in tech. In other words, I was worried she would become me. And now it's happening. She's buying a house with (for, really) the minimum-wage-earning cheater high-school-graduate boyfriend who's somehow staged a coup d'etat on her higher brain functions and convinced her that she's damned lucky to be his second choice.
But I digress.
At 27, this person with unlimited promise is trapping herself in a crappy career and an even crappier relationship, and it makes me nauseous to think about my own complicity in the carnage I see ahead. I'm disgusted with her and with myself.
Upon hearing that Darcy is following in my footsteps, Allie observed, "Becoming you isn't the worst thing in the world, but first can she fucking try not?"