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"Do something nice for yourself," I said before hanging up the phone. Young Darcy had had a bad day, and her spirits were bloodied. It was my hope that she'd indulge in comfort foods, or flowers, or a chocolate massage, and for a moment be a little less sad. It seemed like the right thing to say.

For me, "something nice for yourself" on horrid days always means isolation. One more interaction with a human being, and I might snap completely. Surely, interactions with human beings were how I got in this state. And so I listen to Stevie Wonder on my way to Thai takeout. Old Stevie Wonder, not the latter day criminal who wrote "I Just Called to Say I Love You." It's really hard to feel sorry for yourself during "Higher Ground."

And when I get home, I surround myself with more Thai food than I can eat and I put on The Ref. It's a film in which Denis Leary plays a burglar who has to take a married couple hostage. The couple despises one another and cannot stop hurling invective, even when literally at gunpoint. I have only watched this movie when I've been feeling down. It's vicious. It's hateful. It's hilarious. And for two glorious hours, it beats the sad out of me.

And now, just 'cause it's seriously cool, I give you some Korean guy's a capella cover of Stevie Wonder's I Wish.