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March 12, 2012

results: worst dance song

I think Stank troll David beats me with his suggestion of Lou Reed's Walk on the Wild Side. Truly undanceable, in a violates-the-Geneva-Convention sort of way. What pushes it over the top is that unlike my selection, it was actually a hit.

Here's mine: Fruteland Jackson's Blues 2.0. I defy you to look good dancing to that song. God knows my dogs don't.

PITA Stank troll Marta suggested Tom Jones' cover of "Kiss," which is a truly wretched song, yes, but it hasn't completely eradicated Prince's inherent dancability. But Marta, if ever there were a list of Songs It's Impossible to Have Sex To, this would be in my top 5.

posted by john at 8:55 AM  â€¢  permalink