I had to throw out vague suggestions like "American Southern," since there scads of such accents. I, myself, find a genteel Georgia accent to be music. And a rural Georgia boiled-peanut-suckin' accent makes my eyeballs pop.
The Canadian east coast took a beating from other Canadians. For your consideration, I give you the worst of the lot: the Newfie. Or as I've come to think of him, a stoned Irishman with a yawning cleft palate.
I'll roll up a bunch of votes into one general nomination for Appalachian U.S., the accent of choice for Cooter P. McNugget.
Here's a sentimental nomination from me to my fellow Steelers fans. I watched a lot of clips to find one that was authentic. And when she said "I don't know if I still have my accent," I wet myself.
Ah, the Scots. Yep, the Scots. You gotta love them. You've just got to. My comprehension is about 40% My comprehension in Spanish is 42%.
Aussies piled on Kiwis, which explains why this kid is so defensive.
In terms of sheer quantity of incidents, Indians annoy me more than all other accents combined (and yes, many of them are native speakers). I always wonder how many times a day an annoyed American calls them "Apu" and hangs up. Worse, though, is their apparently cultural insistence on calling instead of emailing. Throw me a fucking bone, Apu.
Brits politely stayed away from the accents of their scattered progeny, instead focusing on 1) the Cockney dialect
and 2) the posh accent. They got some support from abroad, here, as class pretenses are anathema to Americans. But no one hates the posh accent more than this guy, who deems it a faux French accent and Satanic.
Let me know what you think.