hollywood intervention: glee

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Dear Ryan Murphy,

Thank you for assembling some truly fine artists. You get full credit for culling together such talented vocalists, choreographers and musicians and getting them on network TV every week.

Great job. They couldn't have done it without you. Thanks so much. Bye bye.

Big ups! Bye Bye!

I said bye bye.


How can we miss you if you won't go away?

hollywoodint.jpgStop Writing
On the Glee Project, you often dismiss an auditioner by saying "I don't know how to write that character." This is a good instinct. It needs to be more inclusive. You do not know how to write any human being. Even teenagers do not change, nay, abandon personalities from week to week to better serve whatever Lifetime movie-of-the-week plot you use to stitch together song numbers. Characters can evolve, of course, but there must be some continuity, some core that makes them still them. Your characters change cores like they change clothes.

Quinn is a fundamentalist Christian bitch. Then she's a humbled sweetheart. Then she's a bitter goth. Then she's completely psychotic. Now she's sweet again. I've long given up wondering if I should hate her, having settled on hating you instead. Are you a crack baby? Or do you just write them?

Stop Airing Your Therapy
There is, of course, plenty of room for gay stories on TV. That's not my issue. My issue is that your fantasies—gay kids flipping the script and running high school, their being supreme arbiters of who is a good and decent person, their being able to excuse their own boorish and hurtful behaviors under the flag of "everyone else must be tolerant"—is not only offensive, it's boring as hell. Stop jerking off on my TV, please.

Stop Writing
That's how important this is to me.

All the hate in my heart,