Ever have someone purport to speak for you? Someone who made you itch all over?
I too am the 99%. I vote for elected officials to represent me. I most assuredly did not vote for guys who rack up nearly six figures in student loans to kick off a career that requires a GED, if that. I have a word for them to explore. That word is "foresight." "Causality" was a close second, followed by "whatthefuckdoesthathavetodowithgreedybankers?"
I am an employed technical writer with $00,000.00 in student loans.
I make ends meet by having a boring degree that allowed me to get a boring job that allowed me to pay off my student loans, not to mention buy a meal at Ryan's Steak House.
I do not have to use passive voice to disguise the fact that my life is the direct consequences of my decisions. (I'm actually rather proud of having built something from nothing. How come you're not ashamed to have built nothing from something?) And I do not have pets I cannot afford to feed, again because of that whole "planning ahead" thing.
I am the 99%.
And I speak for only myself.