I haven't seen my cousin Melanie in 25 years or so. I remember nothing about her except for what she looked like in pictures, pictures long gone. When I got her Friend Request, it took me a full minute to realize who she is.
This is a person who for 25 years has been marinating in uncontested John mythology. Eesh.
"But it might be nice to talk with her," says Allie.
Right. "No, I am not on drugs. No, I do not deal drugs. No, I did not beat Celeste. No, I am not gay. No, I am not a pathological liar. No, I am not in the gutter, blowing strangers for crack."
Talking with Melanie would be too much work. It's not worth it.
"Yet Melanie wanted to be friends!" Allie counters.
"She's probably just jonesing."