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October 28, 2010
finesse-ese, part deux
Sorry for the slow posting. Busy week. Much gnashing of teeth clenching ethernet cables.
The ugly underside to the type of woman I wrote about yesterday, she who toils to project a self-serving reality distortion field, is that she invariably thinks everyone else operates that way, too. She simply will not take another person's word for anything. She can't. She's always parsing for subtext.
What you think: "I need about eight years in the hot tub."
What you say: "I need some quiet time to decompress."
What she hears: "There's someone else."
What you think: "I bet she'd love this band."
What you say: "If you're not doing anything Wednesday night, I'd love to take you to this concert."
What she hears: "I'm going to make sure I control what you do Wednesday night. And put you in my debt."
And so on. If you're like me and you can barely articulate a simple, declarative sentence with one meaning, it's positively baffling to later be told about your intricate layers of Machiavellian legerdemain.
Sometimes I wish I were that complex. Maybe it would help to speak the language.
posted by john at 11:48 AM • permalink