quantifying ryan murphy

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Stank favorite Ryan Murphy has announced that the upcoming season of Glee will feature a fundamentalist Christian joining the glee club. I wonder if Murphy will actually succeed in making me feel sorry for fundamentalist Christians. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but the man could make me hate crippled bunnies. I also wonder if this Christian character's worth will be measured by her acceptance of Kurt. Of course, I also wonder if October will happen again this year.

Murphy created an occasionally entertaining show, but the guy requires open-handed bitch-slaps. If he's not calling for boycotts over straw men he invented, criticizing Modern Family (which beat Glee for the Best Comedy Emmy) for not doing what Glee also didn't do, he's singing his own show's praises. You see, he wasn't sure if uncultured America would "get" such a revolutionary concept as hot kids singing hit songs in a high school musical. Because the concept is Just. That. Daring.

One might think that setting the show in Lima, Ohio would limit Murphy's opportunities for pretense about diversity, but one would underestimate his capacity for pretense. I'm all for a diverse cast, but may we please keep it within the realm of mathematical possibility? I think there are more Asians in the glee club than I met in my 26 years in Ohio.

Where Murphy no doubt sees laudable cast diversity deserving of kudos and statues, I see my intelligence being insulted. Let's break it down. In reality, Lima is literally black and white. On the show? Not so much.

Demographic Percentage of Lima population Percentage of glee club population
White 71.3% 58.3%
Black 24.5% 8.3%
Asian .97% 16.6%
Latino 1.97% 16.6%
Jewish .4% 16.6%

All right, now for the statistic that, as I type this, I do not yet know myself. The stat I wondered about while I was marveling at Murphy's continued detachment from reality. The odds of the Lima, OH glee club actually having this demographic makeup:

1 in 68,194,217,130

One in 68 billion also being the approximate odds of Murphy accepting criticism gracefully.