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September 9, 2010

a little salt with my steak

I had a crap day yesterday, and for some reason I thought it might be made less crappy if I ventured into the outside world. Always a mistake.

I grabbed a book and went to a restaurant for dinner. Nothing relaxes me quite like being brought food and drink while I'm reading. The young hostess beamed at me, whirling and asking how I'm doing. By the time we reached my table, she was on the verge of tears. She had just caught her boyfriend cheating mere hours before, you see. The smile had been a paper-thin facade that had snagged on the slightest human engagement.

And so she sat. She sobbed at my table, and I empathized, careful to reserve a not-small amount of pity for myself. She finally gathered herself after about a half hour, leaving me alone and wondering why I ever leave my house. House, hell. My bed.

posted by john at 8:42 AM  â€¢  permalink