I've long supported gay rights. This isn't so much out of a sense social justice as a deep inner need not to talk about gay rights anymore.
"You still want to get married? Jesus Christ. Knock yourselves out," I sneer, trying to hide my fear that they too will disappear down the rathole that's consumed a great many of my friends.
I must have gotten through, 'cause two gay friends sent me this clip in the last week with the message "It's like you made it." Which is nonsense, of course, because it would have been told from the viewpoint of their neglected straight friend.
Speaking of gay, I spent all day yesterday in my car listening to Glee albums. So long as Kurt's sexual orientation is a focus, they really need to watch which lines they have him sing.
In To Sir with Love, to his male teacher:Mind you, if this was on purpose, I absolutely applaud. But somehow I think that's giving the the creators of the execrable Madonna episode too much benefit of the doubt.
"What can I give you in return?"In Anyway You Want It:
"Workin' hard to get my fill,
Everybody wants a thrill"