This cracked me up. From the AP.
The University of Michigan admitted Tuesday to a series of violations by its storied football program and said it had reprimanded seven people, including third-year coach Rich Rodriguez. Another staffer was fired and the school released more than 150 pages detailing a breakdown in communication within the athletic department as well as self-imposed sanctions that include two years of probation.Right. And Dex isn't a Portuguese Water Dog; she's a mammal.The school now has to hope that its explanation and sanctions will satisfy the NCAA, which will hold a hearing on the case Aug. 13-14 in Seattle. A final decision isn't expected for 6-10 weeks later, perhaps sometime during the Big Ten season.
Athletic director David Brandon said he doesn't believe the problems related to practice time and coaching activities are enough to warrant the loss of scholarships or extreme disgrace.
"I don't think this is a black eye," Brandon said. "This is a bruise."
A quick check confirms that the erudite Mr. Brandon is indeed a proud graduate of the Harvard of the Midwest.