getting fitted for my cemetery plot, now

Left 4 Dead 2 appeared on store shelves yesterday, which means that, among other friends, Dorkass and I were killing newly minted zombies last night. In every sense of that dangling modifier I just wrote.

We both bought our copies at GameStop. I was milling about the teenagers who dressed up as zombies for the occasion, reading my email on my phone, when I vaguely heard "I wanna know what that guy in black is buying. The guy in the black sweatshirt. Looking at his phone."

I looked up, and everyone was looking at me. "Um. Left 4 Dead 2?" I said, to the delight of the onlookers.

I didn't even get a chance to tell Dorkass about this experience before she was telling me about her own. Her GameStop clerk incredulously asked "Are you buying this for yourself?"

"Um. Yeah."

"Good for you!"