Anytime the Steelers make a deep playoff run, fan-created songs instantly appear, like rats during a carnival. ("Where did they all come from?") And considering that the Steelers played in 7 of the last 15 AFC championship games, this is alarmingly often.
On the one hand, it's kinda cute. I'm glad I'm among fans who are so enthusiastic. It's impossible for me to imagine, say, Seahawks fans doing this, not unless they composed The Ballad of Darrell Jackson Didn't Push off on Chris Hope and That's Really Our Super Bowl Trophy Bitch Bitch Bitch.
I jest, of course. Seattle fans couldn't actually name the players or the penalty or its context. Which reminds me of how obnoxious they've been this week. God, I love this clip.
On the other hand...well...I am not a gifted enough writer to convey the sheer awfulness of these songs. I despise them, yet I cannot stop listening. I can't even pick which one to share. It's a 37-way tie for last place. (Closing my eyes and pointing at my screen) Okay, I give you the Tomlin Bunch.