stupid portuguese tricks

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Mere days after I made fun of media reports about Obama's dog vetting, I am now about to link to a media report about Obama's dog vetting.

Great. Now for the next 12 to 15 years, everyone will think I got a Portuguese Water Dog because I'm chasing fads. Thanks heaps, Mr. President. Now kindly stop butchering the name of the breed. PWDs are not even remotely related to hounds. To call them to hounds is as specious equating a McCain presidency to Bush's third term.

I've taken Dex two dog parks, one near where I live and one where I used to live. She's been bitten four times, all by the pedigreed eastside dogs of pedigreed eastside soulless, joyless fucks. One of said fucks almost apologized to me, but not quite. The others said nothing or simply blamed my puppy's face for impeding their dog's bite.

"She's fine!" I yelled to one silent guy's quickly disappearing back. "Thanks for asking!"