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November 21, 2008
ye ol' fakeroo
Fair warning: this post is not for prudes, either.
Yesterday's survey was the most lopsided in history. Granted, my empirical studies prof's heart would have exploded at the leading way in which I phrased the question, but still. The results:
Fake: 99.47%For grins, let's put that into pie chart form.
Plausible: .53%
What fun!
Sampling of reader comments:
he's 1 hour away from a trip to the ER.Having sampled more than my share of cocks, none of them "perfect" (although many of them quite delightful in their own way) I would say that not only is "Jane's" latest pestle using pharmaceuticals, I'd be willing to bet Jane is abusing a substance that affects her perception of time.
Fake, but I wouldn't burst her bubble. Well, yes I would; it's what pricks do.
This particular superpower is reserved for 13-year olds, I'm sorry.
possible in the way that its possible for there to be a tiny invisible teapot orbiting mars right now, sure!
His entire life? I bet he gave his parents a shock the first time he did that...
And my personal fave:
BASF doesn't make the cock. BASF makes the cock better.
Dorkass checks in, not realizing that "Jane" is someone she's met and already pronounced nuts:
Not in my experience. She sounds like a nutcase.I'll tell you about the cervix joke on Monday. Or maybe Tuesday. First I have to answer the oft-asked "Why did she show you a picture? Why did she HAVE one?"P.S. I've been told that I have a perfect cervix.
posted by john at 6:27 AM • permalink