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November 19, 2008
what could have been
I spent some 10% of yesterday sitting in the hot tub. It was that kind of day. Of week.
At one point, an eagle circled overhead. In his talons was a snake. "Wouldn't it be something," my very naked self thought, "if he—"
He did. I don't know if the snake bit the eagle or what, but soon the snake plummeted earthward, landing a mere 10 feet from the hot tub.
"You MISSED!" I shouted upward, not toward the eagle but toward the heavens. If one could easily chant "God" to the taunting "air-ball!" melody, I would have at that moment.
But what does it say about me that I was vaguely disappointed, that with the snake mid-air, I was already mentally writing a post about God raining snakes in my hot tub?
posted by john at 6:23 AM • permalink