left turn

The wank folks were all good Seattle people, so they vowed to move to Canada if the unmitigated evil that is John McCain should rise to the White House. Being unusually post-racial and color-blind, they also spoke of just how flippin' cool it would look to the world if we elected a black guy.

I asked about my primary concern with him. "Do you worry at all that his plans for taxing the everloving shit out of investment might, you know, discourage investment, thus hurt the flailing economy?"

"His plan isn't as stupid as John McCain's!"

Well, duh. "Touché."

And then this woman went on to belittle McCain for the president-of-Spain thing. And she admonished us all for not reading the same blogs that she reads. "He's the epitome of stupid. So much for the supposed 'foreign policy expert!'" snorted the professional writer who pronounced epitome "eh-pi-TOAM," and not for the first time that night, but no matter.

And thus has my intellectual exercise lately become not holding Obama's supporters against him. It ain't easy.