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June 27, 2007

still searching for a way to blame someone else

For years, I've ridiculed Veronica about her having been in two one-car accidents in her own driveway. Twice, she hit a fence paralleling the asphalt. I think this is worthy of ridicule; don't you?

I was recently in a hurry, hopped into the Jeep, and backed out of its parking space in my turn-around. Oh shit, I thought. I forgot I parked the truck back there. I slammed on the brake, but I had too much momentum. Pow.


It immediately made me think of the Simpsons episode where Homer rear-ends someone, consoles himself with "Oh well, at least I got him as good as he got me," and then realizes he was in his own driveway.

Meanwhile, Veronica insists that this counts as two accidents.

posted by john at 8:08 AM  â€¢  permalink