approval whore ii

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A sequel to this here post

I haven't heard from her since I ran that entry. There was the silliness where she sought to talk to my students and lied to her boss about it, but that's as close as our paths have come to intersecting. I call those years "happy years."

The most telling ramification from this particular entry: from my gleefully ungenerous description, several people correctly deduced her identity. If ever I wondered whether I'd been unfair, there's my vindication. The very essence of the scientific method, it is. Talk about your scathing indictments. "It," explains prepubescent Stank troll Laura.

Meanwhile, the post coincided with a lifting of a gag order on Dorkass, who I had coerced into keeping my relationship status under wraps. "Do I still have to lie about it now? she asked. I said no, I suppose not.

By the end of the day, no fewer than a half-dozen people found a way to acknowledge that they now knew. When I asked how they found out, it all traced back to one source. She is a technological marvel.

Once again, the evolution of mass communications: telegraph, telephone, tell Dorkass.