three kings revisited

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One of the first movies I reviewed on this site was 1999's Three Kings, which I caught again last night during an angry bout with insomnia. Although this film about post–Gulf War Iraq is obviously dated, it's still enjoyable. Notes:

  • What's more dated: characters debating whether blacks can play quarterback, or Hollywood moralizing about how George Bush I shouldn't have let Saddam remain to murder his citizenry?
  • Jamie Kennedy is in this movie? I had no idea. And Arrested Development's "Maebe" is barely more than a fetus here, portraying a terrified little Iraqi girl.
  • After the film ended and I resumed raging myself to sleep, I got to thinking about how post-Gulf War I, scads of Arab couples named their kids after George Bush I. How'd you like to be a fifteen year old Arab kid named "Georgebush Nidal" right about now?