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July 6, 2006

cheney is steeler country

Long before Mark Cuban charged that "rigged" officiating cost his Mavericks the NBA championship, long before every nation but two bitched about how lousy officiating denied them their rightful World Cup championship, there was Mike Holmgren. He whined before whining was cool.

You remember Holmgren. The guy who called clock-killing running plays and drive-killingly late timeouts at the ends of each half in the Super Bowl? Yeah, him. As recently as last month, he was still at it. I know this because Seahawks instafans keep sending me links to stories about his continued whining. The fans make compelling arguments like "See?" Well, Holmgren convenes his training camp this month in tiny Cheney, WA, and as luck would have it, I'll be there. I'm thinking a proper greeting is in order.

I could erect something like this, an old Steelers fan road tradition.

More pointedly, I could fly these colors.


Or I could simply hand out these.

Or these.

Whatever I do, I won't be in danger of physical harm, as that would require that there be Hawks fans in attendance. In my time in WA, I've joined the crazies at three Steelers camps, but I've never been able to get a Hawks fan to go to their own. But I'm sure the attendance difference is just because Pittsburgh's so much closer to Detroit than Seattle is.

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Fact: on the Seahawks' web site, the link to player information is buried in a menu, but the link to cheerleader information is at the top-most level.

posted by john at 8:52 AM  â€¢  permalink