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April 12, 2006
white smoke
Football Weekend XI has been decided. This year, Bubba and I are heading south for Christmas. Four pro games in five days, including all four conference championship teams. First, we see a complete dog of a game (San Francisco getting pummeled here in Seattle) on Thursday night. Next, we travel down to Atlanta for Michael Vick and the Cowboys. Then we head up to Charlotte to see a great matchup between the Panthers and my Steelers. And last, we fly to Indianapolis to see a shootout between the Colts and Bengals on Monday Night Football.
This is gonna be spendy. Especially on the heels of my solo Ohio State/Texas, Steelers-opener trip. Yikes. I'll try not to think about what percentage of my 2006 income I'm devoting to football.
I've always thought that incorporating Thanksgiving and doing a 9-day trip would be the ultimate FBW. Unfortunately, I've thought of a new "ultimate." Five BCS games in seven days: Tempe, Miami, New Orleans, Pasadena, Tempe. The game tickets alone would cost at least four grand. Man, I wish I hadn't thought of it. Man. This must be done some year, of course.
posted by john at 3:46 PM • permalink