There are two types of people. There are those who can emotionally invest in a talking beaver who wears chain-mail armor, and there are those who cannot. Or if you prefer, there are people who think Santa Claus' giving children weapons with which to kill heretics is super-cool, and there are those who don't. In both cases, I am rather decidedly in the latter category.
I knew I was in for a steamin' pile of Christian allegory, but Narnia is rather like those World War II propaganda cartoons such as "Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips." It's decidedly creepy to watch entertainment intended to manipulate the thoughts of youth, and I couldn't help but imagine Christian parents everywhere using the movie to recruit impressionable kids far too young to be making spiritual choices. "Jesus is just like Aslan! You don't want to be like one of the ugly, dead people who didn't follow Aslan, do you?"