This morning, I accidentally read about shrill non-scientists wanting to incorporate their Intelligent Design mythology into the science classroom. I promise it won't happen again.
This made me think of Johnny Carson. Specifically, it made me remember a bit he did in which he recited the entire history of the world in the four minutes it takes to toast an Eggo waffle. Even more specifically, it made me think of this line:
Galileo on the run,
thinks the earth goes around the sun,
says "It's in my telescope."
"No it isn't," says the Pope.
It was an amazing flurry of jokes, delivered machine-gun fire and nearly without stumbling. For posterity, here's the whole text. Johnny lowers the waffle into the toaster, draws a breath, and begins.
At that point, the waffle pops up, Johnny puts it on a plate, and he pours syrup over it to thunderous applause.