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November 16, 2005
implant pride
I can think of two excellent justifications for getting breast implants: 1) you've gotten a mastectomy or 2) you're gambler Brian Zembic, and you had funpacks installed in order to win a $100,000 bet. After those reasons, there's a precipitous logic dropoff. I suppose it's possible that someone's self-esteem is so ravaged by small-breastedness that surgical enhancement constitutes some form of psychological treatment. But as soon as I allow that, I envision scads of A-cup trauma claimants.
Even assuming that most of Silicon Valley moved there out of vanity, I'm still at a complete loss to understand actual implant pride. Implant owners seem to try very hard to be noticed. Why such conspicuous attempts to show off conspicuously fake-looking (not to mention fake-feeling) breasts? "Look what I bought!" these women say in my imagination. "Goddamit, you will look!"
Me, I'd feel sheepish about it, like with a toupee. "Don't look at me," I'd think. "I'm not only a fraud, I'm a fraud of such staggering insecurity that I had a man slice open my flesh and install foreign objects."
Someone 'splain implant pride to me, please.
posted by john at 12:51 AM • permalink