stupid thelm@ tricks

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At one point last weekend, my house was clogged with furniture and boxes destined for a rummage sale, and I was simultaneously shampooing a rug, installing shelves, and ignoring wet spaghetti noodles oozing all over the kitchen counters and literally dripping down the cabinets and sink. The place looked roughly like coastal Indonesia. This is when I heard a knock at the door. It could only be one person.

"Hi, Percy."

Percy and Thelm@ (she with a camera in hand) had brought over the elderly woman who had built my house. They wanted a tour, and they wanted it right now.

"I'm sorry," I said. "The place is a wreck. If you give me 15 minutes, I can give you the whole tour."

"Don't bother," the woman sniffed. "I have to go." And they sulked off, Percy shooting me a dirty look over his shoulder.

What about our past relationship suggested that we're close enough for him to pop in without warning and show my house to strangers, I do not know. Oh, that's right. He's a geriatric old fuck with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement. I keep forgetting.

• • •

Around the same time, I told Thelm@ I'm painting my house the same color as one two miles down the road. A few days later, having seen the color I said was my favorite out of the entire world of possible colors, she approached me. "I saw that house you talked about. It's much too dark, don't you think? It's ugly, don't you think?"

Woman, you don't wanna know what I'm thinking.