I wasn't going to write about the London bombings, and I still won't per se, but I'm increasingly annoyed by the gratified whining coming from the Dim Left. "This," they gurgle in vacuous baby-talk, "is why I'm against war." I'm not going to harp about their presumptions of causality. I'm not going to point out the glorious history of innocents being slaughtered by al Qaeda before W. sent us into war—before he was elected, for that matter. Nope, let's simply grant their argument that this Qaeda attack was a direct result of the war in Iraq.
Now let's follow this logic to its natural end. In the prior, peacetime Qaeda Spectacular, 2992 people died. The present death-count for the wartime London attack is 37, or 1.2% of those killed in peacetime. According to the Dims' logic, then, W. can take credit for a 98.8% reduction in deaths.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
Seriously. Take a toke, eat your organic Twinkie, and stop feigning cognizance before you sprain something.