Inevitably, the Daisy saga was immediately trumped.
What brain damage does childbirth cause to some parents? Why do they think it's okay to bring their kids to an adult party, then allow the little tornados to be obscenely rude to the other guests, throw tantrums and break stuff? Why is it everyone else's fault that the kids ruin their good time? Why am I expected to share in, if not outright relieve the parents of, the burden of parenting? Why is it okay to suggest that I'm somehow so complicit in their decision to have children, I need to remake my world in plastic and outlet covers in order to protect the kids who I did not choose to birth, who I did not invite, whose electrocution I would not mind all that much?
Parents, sober up. Be satisfied with my having to pay for your little vanity projects' two decades of education. Having kids was your call, not the planet's. The next time your unparented kid breaks a glass or a window at my house, I'm rubbing your nose in the broken shards until you learn.