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January 1, 1800

solidarity, brothers!

Originally published October 7, 2004

Turns out I'm not the only man who doesn't want to see his own butt on women. Go figure.

generational division

Originally published October 7, 2004

Miss Courtney and I mixed it up a bit last week, when I had a snootful and started holding forth about what was wrong with Gen-Yers like herself. I didn't get too far before I committed heresy in her book. I criticized modern women's jeans. Specifically, I criticized the way jeans now de-emphasize a woman's curves and make her butt look as square and flat and featureless as my own. Courtney was aghast, calling jeans that go up to the waist and leave no ass-crack exposed "revolting." On this we agreed to disagree, but it got me thinking that I should start keeping score. Feel free to send me your suggestions.


Category Gen-X Gen-Y Winner
Jeans, seat Women's butts look like women's butts


Women's butts look like Bob the plumber's butt X
Jeans, legs At young age, we hunted down and killed boomer-created travesty that was bell-bottoms That they brought them back is bad enough. That they brought back their parents' fashion mistake is a moral outrage. X
Use Internet primarily for Porn, emailing porn, peer-to-peer shared porn Misspelled text messages X
Whine "Our parents beat the crap out of us, which constituted abuse" "Our parents made us wait until we were 17 before they bought us breast implants, which constituted abuse" X
Biggest concert draw Dave Matthews Band Britney Spears X
Action star Harrison Ford Ben Affleck X
Old fart actor embarrassing himself with leading ladies 30 years his junior Sean Connery Harrison Ford X
Brainy actor Edward Norton Tobey Maguire X
Ingénue Molly Ringwold Katie Holmes Y
Smirking himbo Bruce Willis Vin Diesel X
Star Wars IV, V, VI I, II, III X
Dominant athlete Michael Jordan Tiger Woods X
Best boxer Mike Tyson No one Y
Skank athlete Katarina Witt Anna Kournakova Y
Presidential scandal Iran-contra Blowjob X
Blowjobs ...are foreplay ...are handshakes X
Youthful fashion excess Stirrup pants and acid-washed jeans Bare midriffs and exposed thongs X
Attitude toward baby boomers Disgust Resentment Push
Workplace innovation Abolishing dress code Causing need for resurrection of dress-code X
Boy band Duran Duran N Sync X
Nightmare first car VW Bug Mini-van X
Dream car Mustang VW Bug X
Outrageous piercing Upper ear Everything else X


Conformity Too lazy to conform Non-conformists get lower-back tattoos just like all the other non-conformists' X


Michael Jackson Black, sane Not X
Lexical innovation "Like" as every conceivable part of speech "The bomb" as an adjective X
Hope for the future of mankind Me Courtney Y
Generational nickname Gen-X Gen-Y



Xers in a landslide.



posted by john at 12:00 AM  â€¢  permalink